Diary for Thursday, December 5, 2002DONE
No items listed.
0930 - Co-author of the World Economic Forum report Professor Scott Stern to brief Brisbanebusiness leaders. Augustine's on George, 40 George Street, Brisbane. Contact: Ellen Yang3853 5225.
1315 - Minister for Innovation and Information Economy Paul Lucas to release new reportinto Queensland's ICT enterprises. Carlton Crest Hotel, Brisbane. Contact: Alison Smith3235 4550 or 0407 166 084.
0830 - ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope will officially open the 2002 FECCA National Conference,National Convention Centre, 31 Constitution Ave, Canberra. Contact: Raspal Khosa 0412246 872.
0930 - House of Representatives and Senate sit.
1630 - Senate Committee on Economics Legislation Committee into Provisions of the FinancialSector Legislation Amendment Bill (NO2), Committee Room 2S3, Parliament House, Canberra.
Contact: Kathleen Dermody 6277 3541.
1800 - Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Richard Alstonwill receive Peter Sculthorpe's archive, followed by a musical portrait of Sculthorpe'scontribution to Australia, National Library of Australia, Parkes Place, Canberra, ACT.
Contact: Susan Grigson 6262 1160 or 0411 519 420.
TBA - Cultural Citizenship: Challenges of Globalisation conference. Deakin University,221 Burwood Highway, Burwood. Contact: Mandi O'Garretty 522 72776.
TBA - The Victorian Wine Industry Associations's two-day Winegrape Quality Conferenceand Victorian Wine Industry Outlook conference. Victoria University Convention Centre,460 Ballarat Road, Sunshine. Contact: Mark McKenzie 9642 2505.
0700 - Great Aussie Breakfast, Gordon Reserve, Spring Street. Contact: Lyall Grey, 9207 5560.
0730 - Commissioner with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Ross Jones,to address Melbourne Institute forum on the future of competition Law in Australia. ParkHyatt Melbourne, 1 Parliament Square, East Melbourne. Contact: 8344 5630.
1000 - Tara Moss in the Clouds, Roulettes aerobatic display, main runway Essendon Airport.
Contact: Peter Meehan 9282 6226.
1215 - Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) luncheon: The Provisionof Private Health Services in Australia; with Peter Kerestes, GM Insurances, AustralianUnity; Michael Coglin, National manager Business Healthscope. CEDA Conference Centre,Level 5, 136 Exhibition. Contact: Bill Seaman 9652 8407.
1230 - Melbourne Media Club annual Christmas lunch and 2002 media awards presentation,Young and Jackson's, 1 Swanston Street,Melbourne. Contact: Rachel Willemsen, 9633 2261.
1230 - Santa to arrive at zoo with gifts for children. Picnic Pavilions 4-6, enter viaRail gate. Contact: Nicola Fern 9416 1721.
1315 - Rehearsal of two scenes from The Aust Ballet School's "Nutcracker - The Gift OfA Dream". Sidney Myer Music Bowl. Contact: Magda Petkoff 9486 9220.
1300 - Refugee Action Committee rally over Labor Party's new refugee policy, outside ALPHeadquarters, 360 King Street, West Melbourne. Contact: Fleur Taylor 0418 991 703.
1900 - Deciding Which Dog, RSPCA Education Centre, 3 Burwood Highway, Burwood East. Contact:Ray Lord 9224 2237.
1000 - Stewards' inquiry into death of jockey Jason Oliver resumes at Ascot Turf Club.
1030 - Public Accounts Committee to table its report, "Inquiry into Visiting Medical Practitionersin the West Australian Public Hospital System." Contact: John D'Orazio 9375 5800.
0630 - Prayers and speeches to celebrate the festival of breaking the fast. Iman Ali BinAbi Taleb Mosque, 65-67 Wangee Rd, Lakemba. Contact: Keysar Trad 0410 336 922.
0815 - Minister for Community Services Carmel Tebbutt, launching Employee VolunteeringGuide. Level 41 Governor Macquaire Tower, I farrar Place Sydney. Contact Brian Manning0416 288 3930945 - Premier Bob Carr official guest at 2002/2003 Clean Beach Challenge Awards presentation.
Coogee Surf Club, Coogee Beach:Contact Michael Salmon (02) 92283917 or 0417 475018.
1000 - Passing Out Parade for 57 new graduates into the Royal Australian Navy. Quarterdeckof the Royal Australian Naval College, HMAS Creswell, Jervis Bay Rd, Jervis Bay. Contact:Raveena Carroll 9359 2785 or 0411 203 579.
1100 - Release of NSW Police Law and Order blueprint for upcoming state election. The122 page submission to the major political parties outlines key issues of concern forworking police. Level 4, 154 Elizabeth Street Sydney. Contact Iam Ball (02) 926567771100 - Alexandra Shackleton, granddaughter of explorer Ernest, to introduce his boat JamesCaird. National Maritime Museum, Darling Harbour. Contact: Bill Richards 9298 3645 or0418 403 472.
1200 - The 2002 Goulburn Wheelchair Challenge. Goulburn Council chambers, to be run betweenBourke and Auburn Streets, Goulburn. Contact: David White 0427 451 510.
1200 - ANZ Chief Executive John McFarlane and Aussie Home Loans Managing Director JohnSymond among the speakers at the Best Bankers Panel. Heritage Ballroom, Level 6, WestinHotel, 1 Martin Place. Contact: Nicki Sambuco 9957 9806 or 0402 093 751.
1230 - Minister for land and Water Conservation, John Aquilina major announcement on watersharing for the Murrumbidgee River, Barren Box Swamp, near Griffith. Contact Steve Adams(02) 92284700 or 0411 253 3451630 - Protest against the Federal Opposition's new refugee policy. ALP Headquarters,377 Sussex St, Chinatown. Contact: Ian Rintoul 0417 275 713.
1830 - Lawyer John Marsden guest speaker at the launch of the Blake Prize for religiousart. Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, 1 Casula Rd, Casula. Contact: Casula Powerhouse 98241121.
1900 - Tony Greig to MC a tribute dinner to former Test captain Bill Brown. Westin Hotel,1 Martin Place. Contact: Penny Packard 9699 2000.
No items listed.
GOLF - to Dec 8 -Australian Masters, Huntingdale Golf Club, MelbourneGALLOPS -HawkesburyBendigoGattonPort LincolnTROTS -GeelongPenrithToowoombaGREYHOUNDS -DaptoSandownAlbion ParkAngle ParkCessnockBendigoHobart
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